Friday, October 5, 2007

The voices in my head

I realized today as I sit in my room that there are so many voices in my head. Does anyone else experience this? I sit in my room and hear voices that say "Mark be free" or "Mark allow yourself to live a life full of joy" but then I also hear voices like "You need to do this, or you need to be here"

Well, I sit here and I ask the question what voices shall I listen too? I want so badly to just leave my life and travel, eat and not worry about things that we all worry about. I want to go and just be okay with waking up at 5 am with no where to go but just wanting to see the sunrise, or eat lunch for 3 hours and just eat a sandwich, but get so involved in a book that it takes me that long. I know this sounds crazy but that is whats going on in my head right now.

If anyone has advice, let me know what it is. By the way I am in no way saying I am going to leave my job and just escape to a place in Europe, I am just posing the question, WHAT DO YOU DO WITH THE VOICES IN YOUR HEAD?


mamajoyCarol said...

I look at the life of William Wilberforce. He could have lived a self indulgent life, certainly he had the means. But ultimately, he knew that he wanted his life to mean something and it took his friends to help him to see that he was uniquely gifted to communicate truth even though he would have to take the consequences for it.
Each one of us has to make that choice. His life was richer because of it.

Mama Kerr

What is it? said...

Are the voices from God?
I have struggled lately for obvious reasons to 'consider it all
joy'...but in the end:
1. live EVERY second for Him and focus on the joy in it (Jonathan
Edwards tells of his exercise of imaging as he laid down to sleep
every night that he was lying down in a coffin to die and imagine NOT
waking up again...and then when he woke up in the morning rising as if
he has risen from the dead for a new beginning....WOW!) Needless to
say, I have been lying on my back in bed EVERY night doing just this
2. DON'T worry about the next second (matthew 6)
3. TRUST in is ALL about the journey of TRUST in Him
4. DON'T live comfortably: now this is a tough one (as if the others
aren't!)....but looking over the history of 'the Way'....those who
have 'considered it all joy...' were those who lived on the edge
immersed in PAIN and if it doesn't hurt don't do it?

McFads said...

Nice going mark.

Can you enable your rss feed? it should be on blogger.
