Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Today is the day!!!

I saw this video today! Wow! What an amazing reminder of how to live life. Live it for the day. Here is a family that decided to be sad later, to mourn their son later. This awesome way of thinking and believing helped them to live for today. They were able to celebrate and love every second with this precious child.

I watch this video and just sob. I relate so much to Eliot. I never had his sickness, but I was born 2 pounds and should not have survived and yet here I am. I wish I could say the same for Eliot, but the Lord knew how long he needed to be here to help change the world.

Please watch this video and try to remember to live for today. Not for tomorrow or for the next big event. Live for today!! Tell the people that you love just that. Let the people in your life know now how you feel. I hope this is a great reminder for you.


HoldinOntoHope said...

I'm not sure I even know you, but I came across your blog anyhow... As I watched this video, I cried; how beautiful a reminder to enjoy, love the life that our Creator has provided, and live it, right here and right now, to the fullest!

I was also 2 pounds when I was born (as you said you were), so I know full well to be grateful of the Lord's protection and healing. Nonetheless, His grace and mercy would be extended regardless of the circumstances surrounding my (or your or Eliot's) birth!

I am thankful that God directed me to your page and particularly to this video; I have been blessed!


Jeremy and Sarah said...

Mark... this video killed me..... Gosh man...